Thursday, October 4, 2012

Empathy in the face of filth

"Never stomp on the little people. They are hard to scrape off the bottoms of your shoes." -- Deepak, Jr.


This is so basic that you would think someone would have thought of it first.  But, I’m afraid I must take credit for this little nugget, a statement I made while eating lobster thermidor on Rodeo Dr., in Los Angeles, watching the wannabe’s stroll by in their too-tight jeans and nice tight asses through my oversized sunglasses.  My shoes, purchased in Milan while on business, felt a bit odd as I was taking my first sip of Cristal, and when I glanced at the bottom of the water buffalo soles I was horrified to spot an undercooked scallop flattened against my foot, its mollusk essence permeating my shoe.  Ruined!  Little people are just like that.  They get in your way, they’re obnoxious and don’t smell good.  And, like undercooked scallops they can ruin the best of shoes.  You need to watch where you step on your way to the top.


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